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‘Cadets’ are part of the New Zealand Cadet Forces (NZCF), a non-profit, volunteer, youth organisation. We are a military-styled youth organisation that offers a challenging and varied range of activities and training. We carry out training in fieldcraft, military knowledge, firearms training, leadership, first aid, general life skills and more.

We meet every Wednesday night, 1800-2115hrs, during the school term, at the Invercargill Army Centre (1 Fox St, Avenal, Invercargill). New cadets and supporters are welcome to come along.

Looking for a new adventure?



The New Zealand Cadet Corps (NZCC), is one of the three corps in the New Zealand Cadet Forces, the other two being the Air Training Corps (ATC), and Sea Cadet Corps (SCC). There is no reference to the Army within the official title of the NZCC, but an army theme is used for the NZCC. All of its members, from the cadets themselves to the officers and the support committees are civilian volunteers. Members have no obligation to head into the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) however some do choose to join the NZDF.

ICU is an Army Cadet Unit part of The New Zealand Cadet Corps. 

The NZCC is the land force component of the NZCF and is aligned with the NZ Army. As well as the weekly commitment, there are a wide range of activities held on various weekends throughout the year.

ICU operates under the vision, mission and values of the NZCF, these values form the backbone of our thinking and the way we operate.

The New Zealand Cadet Forces Vision

Preparing New Zealand’s successful leaders of tomorrow.

The New Zealand Cadet Forces Mission

To develop and enable self-disciplined, confident and responsible young New Zealanders.

The New Zealand Cadet Forces Values

Our Aim

To foster a spirit of adventure and teamwork, and to develop those qualities of mind and body essential for good citizens and leaders.

To provide challenging and disciplined training activities, which will be useful in either Service or Civilian life.

To promote an awareness of the Armed Forces, and the role they play in the community.

Activities include:


Adventure training


Assault courses




First-aid/search & rescue/casualty evacuation (CASEVAC)


General Service Knowledge/Cadet Force Knowledge (CFK/GSK)










Radio procedures




Team Work




Weather reading skills